

Page history last edited by Lori 10 years, 8 months ago

Digital Storytelling


Examples Station


This station provides you with an opportunity to view digital stories online.  Below are some examples we found, however feel free to surf the internet for others.  If you find a site or particular digital story that is not on our list and you would like to share it with other participants, please add the link to this wiki by clicking on the EDIT Tab and login with the information below: 


username Participant — password 2010


Use The Seven Elements of Digital Storytelling handout you received earlier today to help you critique the story. 

Here are some questions to consider:

  1. What elements were included?  
  2. What seems to be missing?  
  3. What might the creator have done differently in order to make it more engaging, interesting or effective? 



Examples From Presentation/Activities: 


Lost Generation

Democracy is a calculation

Most Powerful Stories of 2013

Digital Story Examples

Digitales Storykeepers’ Gallery

Santee School District Examples of Digital Storytelling


Recipe for a Samurai

Bullying is Not a Sport (middle school example)

Consonant Blends by Mrs. Morgan's Kindergarten Class, EWE

Sweatshop (small only)

Aunt Patty (small only) -Elementary example

How to Be Responsible  (Elementary example - Commoncraft style)


Other Examples


ISTE Storytelling:  Several featured stories are available for viewing. 


University of Houston: The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling - Click on Examples to view from various content areas. 


Story Corps:  These are not student stories, but powerful videos on a number of topics such as September 11, Growing Up, Struggle, and Wisdom.


Center for Digital Storytelling:  Stories not necessarily by K-12 students, but powerful messages in the following categories:  Community, Education, Family, Health, Identity and Place. 


To view the stories below, click on the link and then scroll down on page - you will see the video box, press the play button

Consonant Blends by Mrs. Morgan's Kindergarten Class, EWE 


Examples from Younger Students - provided by Microsoft's Digital Storytelling Book (digitalstorytellingebook.pdf )

Younger students.

  • Young students created these Movie Maker digital stories about science in just three hours.
  • Young students at the Tibetan Children’s Village produced a powerful digistory about their life in exile, entitled Garbages. Watch this and other students’ digistories at the Bridges to Understanding site, including Poverty (Seattle), My Life, My Health (South Africa), and What Courage Means to Me (India). Bridges to Understanding, a Seattle-based not-forprofit, uses digital technology and the art of storytelling to empower and unite youth worldwide, to enhance cross-cultural understanding, and to build global citizenship. They offer free and membership programs that connect students around the world.
  • What is Democracy? Digital story winners. 











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